Non-Degree, Audit, Visiting, and Re-Admission Applicants
Aquinas College welcomes all applicants, whether their intention is to pursue a degree or to take classes for personal enrichment. All prospective students can indicate their intended status on the online Application for Admission.
Non-degree-seeking students wishing to take a course at Aquinas College but are not seeking a degree, may do so in one of the categories below. These students:
- must complete an application for admission and must meet the current admissions requirements for enrollment at Aquinas College;
- may be required to submit an official transcript form the most recently attended post-secondary institution or official evidence of high school graduation if a post-secondary institution has not been attended;
- must meet the prerequisite(s) for the courses(s) they desire to take;
- are not eligible for financial aid; and
- who later decide to pursue a degree, must meet the admission requirements of the academic program to which they apply.
Audit Courses carry no credit but are recorded on the student’s transcript with “AU.” Students seeking only audit courses need not submit transcript evidence.
Visiting Students who are regularly enrolled at other institutions may submit a letter of good standing in place of an official transcript from the institution in which they are enrolled. If the student’s intention is to take courses at Aquinas College to fulfill degree requirements elsewhere, it is the visiting student’s responsibility to determine if the course(s) taken at Aquinas College will satisfy the program requirements of the degree they are seeking at their home institution.
Former Aquinas College Students
One semester absence: These student must report to the Office of the Registrar to verify their absence, having satisfied all Aquinas obligations, any changes in address or phone numbers and submit an official transcript if coursework has been taken.
Two or more semesters’ absence, not including summer sessions: These students must report to the Office of Admissions to complete the entire admission process. At that time, all outstanding financial obligations to Aquinas or any other institution must be satisfied and official college transcript(s) for any courses taken since the last semester of attendance at Aquinas must be submitted. Any student readmitted to the College must fulfill degree requirements stipulated in the catalog in effect at the time of return.