Links to Church Documents — Aquinas College - Nashville, Tennessee

Links to Church Documents

Major Church Documents Relating to Catholic Schools

The Church has the great mission to preach the Gospel. In her role as Mother and Teacher, she gives guidance and support to those ministries which serve this mission. The following list is comprised of those major documents issued, beginning with Vatican Council II, which impact the nature and mission of Catholic education in general and Catholic schools particularly. Each link takes you to that document on the Vatican website. The documents are listed chronologically.

Documents impacting Catholic Schools

Other Links of Interest

Helpful References

Behold the HeritageBehold the Heritage is an anthology of major Church documents on education from Vatican II until 2012 when the volume was published.  Edited by Sister Matthew Marie Cummings, O.P., Professor of Education at Aquinas College; and Sister Elizabeth Anne Allen, O. P., Director for the Aquinas College Center of Catholic Education, this is a beneficial, at-your-fingertips resource for all involved in Catholic education. For a review, read the Aquinas College Magazine article about Behold the Heritage.

To order Behold the Heritage, visit

The Holy See's Teaching on Catholic SchoolsThe Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools is a synthesis of Church documents written by Archbishop J. Michael Miller during his service as Secretary for the Congregation for Catholic Education.  First delivered at a conference in 2005, the talk has since been published by Sophia Institute Press.

Virtues in PracticeThe Virtues in Practice Series is a program for children in grades pre-kindergarten-eight developed by the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregation.  Program components include a virtue of the month, a saint of the month, workbooks and parent-teacher guides at the various grade levels and suggested activities. This program, suitable for home and school use, is free and is available for download.

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